Category Portraits

Inglis Family | Spring Mini Sessions | Raleigh Portrait Photographer

Last November I was lucky enough to meet & photograph one of these four gorgeous women, a high school senior class of 2014.

(You may remember her awesome downtown session HERE.)

After falling in love with the images, Mom decided she really wanted a portrait with all of her girls.

She booked a Spring mini session, and is keeping it a surprise for her husband for father’s day!


I think Dad is going to shed a few tears :)

I just can’t believe how much heart & beautiful soul these women gave to me in 15 minutes, oh my goodness!



And my personal favorite, you know I love a close up … and eyes that shine, me oh my.



Now booking through the end of 2014 including fall & holiday portrait sessions, and Class of 2015 senior portrait sessions! | 919-538-8987

Raleigh NC Portrait Photographer

Raleigh NC Family Photographer

Raleigh NC High School Senior Photographer

A Bit of Fashion | Raleigh Portrait Photographer

Good Monday to you!

You may remember my previous post (HERE)  of the gorgeous staff of Bloom Skin Spa.

Since we had my wonderful hair & make-up artist Elaine on set that day, the spa owner decided have some fun and add fashion flair to her portraits.

(Mom of three under 8 and a business owner- seriously!)




Such a beautiful couple, love them both.



Contact me today to schedule YOUR dream fashion photo shoot!

NOW BOOKING High school class of 2015 & fall family portraits!

919-538-8987 |

Portrait Photographer Raleigh NC

Family Photographer Raleigh, NC

Beauty at Bloom Spa | Raleigh Head Shot Commercial Photography

I am lucky to say this was my third year photographing the staff at Bloom Skin Spa in Cary!

(Click to see images from FIRST year and SECOND year)

Every year we ‘step it up’ a notch, this year we brought in my favorite Elaine with Elaine Harrison Makeup Artistry for some glam-ing up!

It’s just a great day for everyone, me included :)

The staff is always kind, it is evident in their smiles.





My friend & salon owner Amber.  We met during my first ever facial.

(Gives the most amazing facial you’ll EVER receive!)

High fashion. all the way.


More shares from her fashion mini-shoot coming to the blog soon.


Commercial Head Shot Photographer, Raleigh NC

Headshots | Raleigh Portrait Photographer

In this digital age ,more often than not your first impression is made online.

Whether it be Linkedin, your business website or even a dating site.

I am available to hire for head shots, in case you were ever wondering!

I thought I would share a sampling of my head shot work with you today.  Some traditional, some not.


Here’s a recent head shot session from this month,  taken at the clients home.

(I wish I had taken a drop back image.  Very similar set up I wrote about in THIS natural light tutorial.)

To plan this session we used Pinterest together so that I could visualize the type of image she wanted to capture.

Professional and approachable.

Think we nailed it!



Last year I was hired by Novartis for a two day head shot marathon.  The days flew by, really nice staff there & easy to work with!



I was also hired by Raleigh Brewing for some ‘not so traditional’ head shots (good times!)



And last but certainly not least, a few images from my annual head shot ‘party’ at Bloom Skin Spa!

Every March I have the pleasure of photographing the current staff – we bring in hair & make-up and have a really fun girl morning :)



If you are in need of head shots, I’d love to hear from you!

Whether for just you or your business, we’ll create the ideal session together. | 919.538.8987

Have a fabulous weekend too TGIF!


Portrait Photographer Raleigh NC

Now booking sessions through September 2014!