Category Portraits

A Relationship to Celebrate | Raleigh Portrait Photographer

I was contacted to capture beautiful portraits to celebrate this lovely couple’s upcoming ten year anniversary.

Initial thoughts were to dress in the original wedding attire, shoot portraits & capture a few fun moments.

During our pre-session consult, we talked about what they like to do together & developed this session to tell a story.

This is a beautifully romantic story.

We should all be so lucky to experience this much love!


10 devoted years.







Swing dancing classes is something that both of them enjoy, and I was excited for the opportunity to capture this for them.

Come to find out even though new frocks were purchased, the choice was to wear dress she wore to her rehearsal dinner – perfect for this fun dancing series!

OH I can’t forget to mention that they were so prepared for this session, we even had music playing :)





Biking is another activity they enjoy together.

Initially we were going to have two bikes & capture some action, but the second bike wasn’t readily available, so we opted for this :)


And went for a walk in the perfectly soft end of day light…




Now booking FALL & HOLIDAY 2014 Family Sessions & Class of 2015 SENIORS

Contact Kathy :  919.538.8987

Follow me on Facebook Click HERE!!

Jacob & Charley | Raleigh Family Photography


Was SO happy when the stars aligned and we were able to have this session!

Due to many different reasons including weather, we rescheduled this session a handful of times.

The weather was P E R F E C T as were these SWEET kiddos!


Began the session at home, Mom wanted to capture them as they are today.  Pogo sticks & cell phones :)




We WERE going to travel to a local park to find a colorful back drop, but a few days before the session she texted me a photo of their azaleas – WOW! and YES!




Found a field about 1/2 mile from home.

We caught the light of the ‘golden hour’.  LOVE.



Found this amazing locale on the way home, and wrapped up the session here.





Now booking FALL & HOLIDAY 2014 Family Sessions & Class of 2015 SENIORS

Contact Kathy :  919.538.8987

Follow me on Facebook Click HERE!!





Love is in the Air | Session Preview | Raleigh Portrait Photography

Spring is here, and love IS in the air!

An enchanting photo session yesterday, celebrating 10 wonderful years together.



NOW BOOKING! through the end of 2014 including fall & holiday portrait sessions, and Class of 2015 senior portrait sessions! | 919-538-8987

Raleigh NC Portrait Photographer

Raleigh NC Family Photographer

Raleigh NC High School Senior Photographer