Category Children

Braun Family | Wrightsville Beach Family Portrait Photography


It has been a summer of reconnecting.  Yet again I have to thank Facebook for connecting me with one of my closest friends from high school, with whom I lost touch with over the years, as people do.

Come to find out my friend travels to NC every summer for the beach, and when she contacted me to photograph her family I excitedly said YES!


She & her boys were real troopers – not only was it H O T outside, but they had driven over seven hours to get to the beach the same day of their session!


Sweet boys


I think this one is my favorite!


She seriously hasn’t changed (or aged for that matter) a bit!


A fun set-up …



Here’s the first attempt at the shot above … boys will be BOYS lol!


Play time!


They were pretty tired and somewhat over me, but I managed to get a few handsome smiles out of them :)


Thanks so much for sharing your precious family with me – can’t wait for next year!


A Morning with Baby R | Raleigh Cary Baby Lifestyle Photographer


A few weeks ago I had the extreme pleasure to meet Mr. R.  It was his one month birthday!!

He is the first child of a great friend of mine, who has also taught two of my children.  She is amazing to say the very least!!

I arrived at a ‘decent’ morning hour, and we let Mr. R tell us what he was in the mood to do.  He is SUCH a sweet and mellow little man.  Ohh, I hope I get to babysit him, hint hint… :)

Here are a few favorites from our morning together …


“She went that way” !!


He was not smiling yet, but I could totally see it in his eyes!


He is known for his ‘old man’ forehead – love those little wrinkles & wonderfully chubby cheeks :)


A whole lot of love going on in this house.  I did in capture a lot of special mother & son moments, that we have decided to keep private.


Thank you for sharing your little man with me!  I can’t wait to see that baby smile soon!


Summertime! | Raleigh Cary Family Lifestyle Photographer

Hi ho!  I am still here … my apologies for being absent.  The last week was filled to the brim with end of year school activities and sports.  I have a lot to share!  I also am prepping the boudoir blog posts today, so please check back soon to see three stunning & sultry women here on my site.


My girls.

I was outside picking garden veggies (we have amazing yellow squash this year!) when my hubby brought them home from the pool.  It’s not very often that my girls are giggling and really enjoying each other (one is 13, remember?!) so I grabbed my camera an had them lay on the sidewalk.

I cherish these images, and it just goes to show that you don’t have to be all dressed up, or even showered, to have images you love !

Happy Sunday


Gilmore Family | Raleigh Cary Portrait Family Photographer


Last weekend I had the pleasure to photograph this wonderful family! We have known each other for several years, as our girls went to preschool together.

We met on the NC State University campus, and had a ball walking around finding unique & interesting locations to photograph.  These kids were seriously so much fun – and so easy to work with!  They had some fun ideas, and there was no shortage of conversation.  What fantastic ages – and joyful spirits they all have!

Kudos to Mom for planning the session & realizing the importance of capturing this time in their lives :)



I believe the kids found this spot – framed them perfectly!


A Momma’s love  … nothing like it :)


How handsome is this guy? Watch out girls, he’s a Southern gentlemen too!


I adore his expression in this one.  We were waiting for the girls to change, hanging out and talking sports.


No shortage of bricks on this campus, and definitely no shortage of cuteness!


Kids are active!  I love shooting action!


Mom told me she loves texture, so that was one of my mental focal points during this shoot.

The NCSU  Wolf Ears – pretty pretty texture.


A couple more of little miss model!  Seriously, she needs to be in commercials.  A genuine spirit & so easy to work with.  Not to mention stunning beauty!


Coming up soon, select images from a recent beauty & boudoir photo shoot.

Have a great week!
