Category A Slice of Life

Welcome 2014!

Happy New Year to you & yours!

I hope that you had a fun & restful holiday break.  One of my highlights was gathering with my entire side of the family … all 23 of us!  Too much fun, so thankful for my happy & healthy family, it makes me cry…


I am looking forward to getting back to work this week, the new year is always an excited time for review as well as planning for exciting things to come.

Up next is the annual ‘Best Of’ contest, stay tuned.  The winner will receive a beautiful 16×20 gallery wrapped canvas!



Portrait Photographer Raleigh NC

In The Holiday Spirit! | A Slice of Life | Raleigh Family Photographer

It finally hit me yesterday that the holidays are HERE!

I’ve been very busy with shoots this month, so much fun, such a great thing!

  I picked up my kids from school yesterday and they were SO happy to be on break.  We stopped by the craft store for foam cones, and the dollar store for candy, put Christmas music on Pandora and crafted the rainy afternoon away.  Perfection.

These candy trees are one of our yearly traditions.  They are not completed yet, and I will share when they are done.





Portrait Photographer Raleigh NC

I Feel Like a Goddess Today | Personal | Raleigh Portrait Photographer

I rise early to get my older two out the door by 7am, and then to my computer to start the day.  My day that is chopped into bits and pieces, as I am still committed to being all things that are a Mom (includes lots of driving!).

  I have learned to work in spurts, although I can say some days it just downright  bugs me.  What I wouldn’t give to have even just a half day of solid work time, I dream of all the check marks on my to do list!

However, I know those days are coming WAY to quickly, especially with one in high school now, with two close behind.

This morning I was sitting at my computer editing as she came down the stairs for breakfast. She states ” I feel like a goddess today. Do you have time to take my picture Mom?”

Makes me a bit sad that she has to ask, I used to be the one asking all the time. Wake up call. The new year resolution list has officially begun!

Took a few minutes to play with some textures, and I know this look isn’t for everyone but I really like it.

Our wonderful mornings alone together…



Portrait Photographer Raleigh NC

Farewell Summer Break | Raleigh Portrait Photography

We concluded over the family dinner table tonight that we had the best summer ever.

As the years pass (and too quickly they are), I find myself longing for more summer break.  More time to laugh, lay around & read, swim, travel, play & just BE.  No schedules.


I had big dreams of portrait series of my babes this summer, but slimmed that down and stepped away from my camera more than ever.  I watched with my two eyes instead of my lens.  Happy!

But of course I did get a few pics, so I will always remember these sweet faces at these stages in our lives.

Elementary school. 5th grade, Age 10

Middle School. 7th grade, Age 11

High School. 9th grade, Age 14


If you’d like to see my simple light set-up for these portraits, you can read about it HERE.

Hope everyone has a great week!

P.S> My mini-sessions (click HERE for details) & full session calendar are aabout full for 2013, please message me asap  if you are interested in a session this fall.  Would love to ‘shoot’ you :)


Family Photographer Raleigh NC