Category A Slice of Life

On Vaca | Raleigh Family Photography

It’s Spring Break, and we are in sunny (and w a r m) Florida!

I love tropical.

And I love this family iPhone pic more than you know :)

hottubfamilywebHave a great week, I will be back to email Monday!



Portrait Photographer Raleigh NC

Now booking high school senior Class of 2015! | 919 538 8987

RDU Baton Tomorrow! | Raleigh Family Photography


I am excited to say that tomorrow, Friday the 7th, I will be carrying the RDU Baton.

What is RDU Baton?  “RDU Baton is a collaborative photo project to show the world (and to remind ourselves) how amazing life in the Research Triangle is, through Instagram.”

Check out their website

I follow them, and have found many great food & recreational recommendations here!

My Instagram handle is KathyHoward – come over and follow me & my exciting (and probably rainy boo) day!



Portrait Photographer Raleigh NC | 919.538.8987

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today is day three of no school due to snow-pocolypse 2014!

Been playing instead of working & blogging, but that’s okay.  Always time for work later :)


Hope your day is filled with sweet treats & lots of love and kisses!


Stay tuned – I will be announcing Spring mini-session dates next week!

Reply to this email if you want to be on ‘the list’.


Portrait Photographer Raleigh NC

Now booking through August 2014! | 919.538.8987

The Making of Snow Goddess | Raleigh Portrait Photography

This was such a fun project with my daughter.

Here’s a little behind the scenes.

The day before the snow fell, we went for a walk in the woods.

We gathered our head piece materials & made sure the stump I knew of was still there = location!

We trimmed, we snipped, and were excited about all of the beautiful goodies we found in our field


(not shown – six golf balls and a dog toy!)

IMG_5820The we took some floral wire and tape, and made a ‘halo’ form to fit her head.  We used several layers so that we could ‘weave’ our nature items into it.

We also used a hot glue gun as needed.


It snowed that night, and the next day we headed out to the back field for photos.  It was c- o- l- d outside, but she didn’t care.

I am lucky she still likes to do these things with me :)

Growing up fast, wearing my warmest wool coat.

It’s a vintage Raleigh made wool coat circa 1960’s, give to me by my mother-in-law and VERY loved!


Did photograph her in the coat, but it distracts from the headpiece and the vision of this image.

Big sis was my assistant – most of the time holding the reflector, and a little bit of flash…

Here she is getting warmed up lol! (she’s not blind thank goodness)


Ten years old … wearing MY blouse, knit tights & boots!



I posted more images in previous blog post HERE.


Up next I will continue to ‘catch up’ blogging with more winter sessions!

Have a great day.


Portrait Photographer Raleigh NC

Now booking April through August 2014!  Click the “CONTACT” link above to reserve your session! | 919.538.8987

Snow Goddess | Raleigh Portrait Photography

 I have been wanting & needing to do something creative.  Outside of ‘the box’.

It’s fun & helps me grow personally & as a photographer.

Snow days happen maybe once a year here in Raleigh.  When I heard to forecast for daytime snow, I knew this was it! The base for this creative project.

A  dreamy & soft fantasy type snowfall portrait.

Well, the forecast changed and we didn’t get our daytime snowfall, so I tweaked the idea I had a bit and couldn’t be happier.


Here are the images that resulted from our home made nature headpiece & my youngest girl modeling.

Post-processed slightly different than my normal style.  I like it, to me it fits the mood of the project.




I really like the look of b & w film


Did I mention it was in the 20’s outside?  My girl is such a trooper.


And a Goofball!



See you soon with some behind the scenes & how we made the headpiece!


Portrait Photographer Raleigh NC