A Slice of Life | Pretty Little Recital Ladies | Raleigh Cary Child Portrait Photographer


In the midst of the last week of school and the marathon of activities that brings!  Whew! I will have a lot more to share of my kiddos in the next week for sure.


I am so proud of my youngest & the fact that she just completed her third year of violin.  Age 8.  Love it!

Sunday was the recital, and of course I was camera happy …


Violin LOVE


Does it get ANY cute than this?


Be back soon!


Gilmore Family | Raleigh Cary Portrait Family Photographer


Last weekend I had the pleasure to photograph this wonderful family! We have known each other for several years, as our girls went to preschool together.

We met on the NC State University campus, and had a ball walking around finding unique & interesting locations to photograph.  These kids were seriously so much fun – and so easy to work with!  They had some fun ideas, and there was no shortage of conversation.  What fantastic ages – and joyful spirits they all have!

Kudos to Mom for planning the session & realizing the importance of capturing this time in their lives :)



I believe the kids found this spot – framed them perfectly!


A Momma’s love  … nothing like it :)


How handsome is this guy? Watch out girls, he’s a Southern gentlemen too!


I adore his expression in this one.  We were waiting for the girls to change, hanging out and talking sports.


No shortage of bricks on this campus, and definitely no shortage of cuteness!


Kids are active!  I love shooting action!


Mom told me she loves texture, so that was one of my mental focal points during this shoot.

The NCSU  Wolf Ears – pretty pretty texture.


A couple more of little miss model!  Seriously, she needs to be in commercials.  A genuine spirit & so easy to work with.  Not to mention stunning beauty!


Coming up soon, select images from a recent beauty & boudoir photo shoot.

Have a great week!


My Mother’s Day | Raleigh Cary Portrait Family Photographer


I knew I wanted (and NEEDED) to relax on Mother’s Day.  I decided the best way to accomplish this would be to leave the house!  I asked hubby if he was up for a day trip to the beach, and he certainly was.  Nothing like some sand between the toes, a dip in the ocean & an icy cold beverage to erase the stress and bring that sense of calm.  Yes, I love the beach.  Always have, always will.


I realized about 30 minutes before we left the house that we would be driving right by my favorite flower field – you may remember it from this engagement session.  SO, I delicately asked my sleepy family to please put on something picture worthy.  (Yes, you can wear your bathing suit underneath if necessary!)

We stopped for five minutes flat, walked through the very thick and itchy flowers, and got this image I adore …

Yeah, our hair is tousled, the light was harsh and perhaps one or more smile looks a little fake.

BUT I will ALWAYS  have this memory of Mother’s Day & be able to look back on my babies at this stage.  And more importantly, my children will be able to look back & remember me.


Okay, enough sap … here are some fun beach pics!

The ocean was rough and totally fun for boogie boarding! I earned a few new bruises this day, but it was worth it.


Those are my hands on that boogie board…and my kids thinking, well, who knows what!


I think I look pretty cool here lol!


She doesn’t boogie board (YET), but she does catch a great fish!


Ah, I love this.


She doesn’t boogie board (YET), but she does model a great shot :)
