A Morning with Baby R | Raleigh Cary Baby Lifestyle Photographer


A few weeks ago I had the extreme pleasure to meet Mr. R.  It was his one month birthday!!

He is the first child of a great friend of mine, who has also taught two of my children.  She is amazing to say the very least!!

I arrived at a ‘decent’ morning hour, and we let Mr. R tell us what he was in the mood to do.  He is SUCH a sweet and mellow little man.  Ohh, I hope I get to babysit him, hint hint… :)

Here are a few favorites from our morning together …


“She went that way” !!


He was not smiling yet, but I could totally see it in his eyes!


He is known for his ‘old man’ forehead – love those little wrinkles & wonderfully chubby cheeks :)


A whole lot of love going on in this house.  I did in capture a lot of special mother & son moments, that we have decided to keep private.


Thank you for sharing your little man with me!  I can’t wait to see that baby smile soon!


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