Date Archives June 2012

{ Cathy } Raleigh Cary Boudoir Photographer


I am so excited to share with you images from my first ever boudoir session.  I photographed three amazing women – it was one fun, hot & sexy hotel party!


Cathy.  Classic & beautiful, all the way.


Her Marilyn moment!  If I had a studio, this would be on the wall for sure.


So honest & fresh.  Love.


Downright sultry.


Her husband’s shirt.  Hmmmm….

I am so impressed with the spirit that she brought to this segment – makes me smile again and again.  Thank you Cathy!


This is a wrap that her husband loves.  It is bright and colorful … and I will share more (color) images in the last post I do from this shoot, which will include a bit more ‘skin’. :)


Cathy, you knocked my socks off and I want to thank you for opening yourself up to me & my camera!


Up next, Angela’s boudoir session.  Can’t wait to share!


And a side note – yes, I will be writing one last post that will have a few images from each woman that may be a bit sensitive to some and amazing to others, thus separate with a password.  I will post these images because I am a believer in the power of imagery & the celebration that every woman should have with her self & her body!

My kudos for the boldness of these gals to open themselves up to me …classy & elegant all the way.  Lots more coming soon!


Summertime! | Raleigh Cary Family Lifestyle Photographer

Hi ho!  I am still here … my apologies for being absent.  The last week was filled to the brim with end of year school activities and sports.  I have a lot to share!  I also am prepping the boudoir blog posts today, so please check back soon to see three stunning & sultry women here on my site.


My girls.

I was outside picking garden veggies (we have amazing yellow squash this year!) when my hubby brought them home from the pool.  It’s not very often that my girls are giggling and really enjoying each other (one is 13, remember?!) so I grabbed my camera an had them lay on the sidewalk.

I cherish these images, and it just goes to show that you don’t have to be all dressed up, or even showered, to have images you love !

Happy Sunday


A Slice of Life | Pretty Little Recital Ladies | Raleigh Cary Child Portrait Photographer


In the midst of the last week of school and the marathon of activities that brings!  Whew! I will have a lot more to share of my kiddos in the next week for sure.


I am so proud of my youngest & the fact that she just completed her third year of violin.  Age 8.  Love it!

Sunday was the recital, and of course I was camera happy …


Violin LOVE


Does it get ANY cute than this?


Be back soon!
