Hello! I hope your summer is going well and you are enjoying all of summer’s simple pleasures – pool time, ice cold lemonade & lots of sunshine!
I have recently experienced a hard drive crash, and am digging out from the ruins. Luckily part of my business structure includes a solid back up plan, so nothing was lost. I am quite proud (and relieved) of that!
However, it has been like starting over – having to reinstall programs and recall many many passwords.
Almost there.
(I’ve been feeding my hibiscus my leftover coffee in the morning, and it has never been happier … lol!)
I still have summer beach session images to share, and a large family beach session to shoot this coming weekend!
Coming up : Several boudoir photo shoots on the books for August & September & I will announce dates and rates for FALL mini-sessions.
YUP it’s time to plan your holiday photos!!
AND this blogsite is on schedule for a facelift – can’t wait!
Have a great week & see you back here soon.