Category Beauty

{ Ashley } Raleigh Cary Beauty Portrait Photography


 Meet Ashley.

Ashley who called me to book a shoot simply to celebrate who she is today.  Something we should all have the the desire to do.  Who else will do it for us but ourselves?!

We planned Ashley’s session over the phone, and I enjoyed our conversations.  When I met her in person, I felt like I had run into an old friend that I hadn’t seen in years.  Just that great!

She was also my  ‘gorgeous guinea’ client for my new studio set up, and a gracious one at that.

  AND today is Ashley’s birthday … HAPPY BIRTHDAY to YOU !!

Fabulous, flirty & ferocious forty four!!


Would you believe me if I told you this was the first image I took?  Sparkling!

I can hear the Ella Fitzgerald Pandora station playing right now …

Infectious smile & laughter!

Strength & beauty defined.

I enjoyed every single moment of my session with you Ashley – thank you for a fabulous morning.

Happy happy birthday!!


Simple Lighting Technique Pt.2 | Raleigh Portrait Photography


This post is part two (see part one HERE) of my fun & easy simple lighting set up.  I am so excited to share because it really is so darn easy and produces great results.

Cloudy day.  Part one showed how we were on my covered  (important to acheive this look) front porch with ten dollars worth of foam core board we are using for background and reflectors.


This image we are in same location with same set-up, MINUS the reflector to the right side of her face. I wanted more light/dark contrast for this portrait.

This type of lighting is called split lighting. It splits the face  into equal halves with one side being in the light, and the other in shadow.

I had her look her eyes to the sky to get those gorgeous catch lights …

My youngest assistant was holding a small piece of foam core at the subjects waist

(you can see how the foam core lightened the bottom of her iris a bit).

I really like it in B&W too


Simple & effective.

Part three will show how I moved the set up slightly & gained some wind in the hair without the convenience of electricity!


Simple Lighting Technique Part 1 | Raleigh Portrait Photography

 I realize more and more everyday how much a simple portrait makes me happy, deep down happy.

The portrait that captivates the viewer.  Eyes open to the soul.

 A few weekends ago my husband and son left to camp for the weekend.

Three girls in the house with new lipstick & excitement to have what we called our magazine glamour portrait party.   Lots of laughter, music & chocolate chip cookies!

Front  porch & a cloudy day.

Cloudy days ( in my opinion) produce flat lighting.  I like to try to liven things up by tunneling the light, meaning be in an open yet covered area. The light is coming more directly into the subject, instead of  overhead.

Three pieces of white foam core board, one large & two poster size.  Total cost approx. $10.00.

A. The background

B. Reflector held by subject underneath face

C. Reflector held by me to the LEFT of the face, to brighten her right face side and block any blue color casts from the door.

D. Comfy pajama pants :)

The resulting image :

f 3.2   1/320th  ISO800

(slightly different hair-do & collar from behind the scenes photo, but same simple lighting set up)

Notice the catch lights in the bottom of her eye, created by the white foam core she is holding at her waist.


Coming up in part two we will remove one reflector, yet get even brighter catch lights!

And a favorite out take from the weekend, as I was attempting a glorious sisterhood portrait …

I think Cyndi Lauper had it right many years ago … “Girls just wanna have fun”

If you have any questions, leave ’em in the comments & I’ll be sure to answer!


Beauty & Boudoir Preview | Raleigh Cary Boudoir Photographer


Three beautiful women and a hair & make-up artist. One hotel room.  An early Sunday morning.  Fur coats, boxes of jewelry & delicate lingerie.  The makings of an incredible day!

A few weeks ago I met these lovely ladies for my first beauty & boudoir photo shoot.  Or as we dubbed, “Boudie Party!”    We were all a bit nervous, but knew right away from the energy in the room that this was going to be an amazing experience for all.  It truly was & and ended up being quite a party!!

If you are one of my Facebook fans (if you aren’t, I’d love to have you) you may remember these few images I posted.  Gorgeous.

Here are three more breathtaking images of these women that surrendered themselves to me and my camera.  They truly rocked my world  – just look at the images.  You can see their honesty & strength shining through.  Each of these women will have their own blog post, to be posted in the next week or so.  I really want to spotlight each unique personality & the many jaw-dropping images.





I am thrilled to announce that I am adding Beauty & Boudoir photo shoots to my offerings!  I just cannot wait to do this again.  Truly an eye opening and empowering experience, for all involved.

Every session will be customized to your vision & taste, and will be as private as you want it to be.  Special introductory pricing for sessions through the end of July.

If you are ready to book your private Beauty & Boudoir session, or a ‘Boudie Party’ (!) with your girlfriends ( I’ll bring the bubbly!), or just want more information, send me and email :  Or hit me at the ‘CONTACT ME’ link top right of this page.  I’d love to talk with you about your session & make this your HOTTEST summer yet!

Have a fantastic holiday weekend & I’ll be back soon to spotlight each of these amazing women.


Bloom Skin Spa Head Shots | Cary Raleigh Commercial Head Shot Photography


A few months ago a friend pleaded with me to book a facial with Amber at the Bloom Skin Spa.  She said you’d never have anything so good in your life, and she was right!  My facial was downright amazing.   Turns out this facial led to a friendship and a wonderful job opportunity for me!

I was hired to take images of this booming salon for web updates, as well as head shots of all of the employees.  Don’t yawn just yet!  I believe that every opportunity I have with a client is a unique and special one.  Head shots with me are FAR from boring, as I see it as my goal to capture your personality, even if my lens is only focused on you for a few minutes.

We had a ball at this head shot ‘party’ – an amazing and oh so beautiful group of women!

Enjoy the images …
