A Slice of Life | My Own | Raleigh Portrait Family Photographer


I normally don’t share too many images of my own here, as I want to spotlight my clients.  I have decided to change that just a bit (perhaps once or twice a month), as I think it is not only a good way for you to get to know me, but a great way to see what images really make my heart sing!  As my business grows, my own family is subject to my camera less and less.  I don’t want to stop taking their pictures.  I want to have the memories and moments ‘on film’ to treasure, as I know they surely will some day too!

We packed a kayak and a picnic, and headed to a local lake to enjoy a refreshing 65 degree day!  My children surely are at their best when we are outdoors and away from all of the distractions of every day life.  Everyone is happy, which makes me happy.

Whether it’s the expression, the lighting, the composition or just the moment, these are all photos that make me smile.



My youngest.  Still loves to have her photo taken (yay for me!).  So we went on a stroll, just the two of us …


She found this log and wanted to use it as her scene :)


I love her because she made me give her the camera, so she could take a photo of me.  I may have bedhead and bags under my eyes, but I LOVE this shot of me

Thanks for reading – hope you liked this post.


Abigail | 2.7.12 | Raleigh Cary Durham Apex Birth Photography



Is there anything quite as magical as the birth of a child?

Amy phoned me around 5pm on February 6th.  She told me that she was leaking amniotic fluid, was 3-4 centimeters dilated and on her way to the hospital.  My heart raced as her baby’s due date was not until the 17th!  I rushed around, making final dinner preparations for my family and for my daughter’s birthday, which happened to be that very day!  I thought that Amy would go fast, so I packed my gear and had it ready by the front door.  The hospital is a 30 minute drive from my house, so I wanted to make sure I made it in time!

We sent a few texts to each other, but she was not in active labor yet.  As a matter of fact, the nurses said she would most likely not give birth until the following morning or afternoon.  So I settled in to bed, phone on my nightstand.

Amy sent me a text around 4am, stating her labor was progressing.  Come around 7am she said.  So I reset my alarm for 5am, unable to get back to sleep with excitement!

I arrived at the hospital to find a smiley Amy and a snoozing hubby.  Things were calm and quiet.  She had her epidural and was relaxing.  So nice!

Amy started feeling more and more pressure.  She was becoming a lot more uncomfortable.  It was about 8am when she was declared fully dilated.  The pushing started around 10am.   Amy worked harder than any other woman I have EVER seen, determined to meet her baby girl!  It was about four hours later that sweet Abigail entered this world.

Enjoy this video of the journey of Abigail’s birth:

(This video contains sensitive imagery not suitable for all audiences.  Consider yourself prepared!)




Carolina Kidney Kids Inaugural Fundraiser | Raleigh Cary Apex Portrait Event Photography

Although it was a a last minute request to photograph this event, I was thrilled to be able to donate my time to the Carolina Kidney Kids Foundation, and their inaugural fundraiser.  The event exceeded expectations by far, which now that I’ve met Larissa, I can understand why!

 I was lucky enough to talk with Larissa, and hear her inspiring story of her son Ryan and his struggles & survival, the story that motivated her to begin this journey.  Larissa is an amazing woman.  She, along with the UNC Kidney Center, are forming this group to offer support, education & financial assistance to families.  The type of support that she was unable to find when she was going through the tough times with her son.  She wants to make sure others have better resources, better information and support if and when they need it.  People like this truly inspire me to be a better person, and to give back as much as I can to my community.

Their mission statement : “At Carolina Kidney Kids we commit to providing the gift of life through education, financial assistance and emotional support to the patient, the donor and their families.”

Congratulations & great luck on this journey Larissa – you are an inspiration to us all!


Big Hair Salon Fashion Shoot | Apex Raleigh Cary Durham Fashion Portrait Photography

I have to say just one more time how awesome the whole crew was for this shoot!

The day was filled with excitement & laughter, and a HUGE dose of just plain fabulousness.

Enough with the words, here are some of my favorite images from the day!  (There are MANY more coming in your online gallery today)

Coming soon will be a ‘behind the scenes’ post, with more info on my lighting choices & how I chose them, how I set it all up,  as well as fun pictures!

Image request : If you have any images that you took that day with your phone or other means, will you please email to me?  kathy@kathyhowardphotography.com.  Thank you!!
