Ten Years Old | Raleigh Portrait Photographer

My baby girl turns 10 today.

Sweet, kind, loving, thoughtful, voracious reader, drawer, lover of ballet, violin & grits.


Dug up this pic for the ten year mark.

Living in Hawaii paradise – kinda miss it.

Time flies, don’t blink too much!


Portrait Photographer Raleigh NC

Summer Charity Work | Raleigh Portrait Photographer

As you can tell, we’ve been quite busy with our personal agenda lately!

(thank you to my clients waiting on their blog posts)

Today my children & I seized an opportunity to help out a local organization, Myles of Great Hopes.  See their website www.mylesofgreathopes.org

We were asked to photograph several pieces of artwork, to be used for marketing and fundraising purposes.  Now, I say ‘we’, but really my children were asked.

This project is all about involving and enlightening the children, in a sustainable fashion.

Here’s my crew (from left to right):

Youngest in pink – art director

Oldest in blue – photographer

Son in gray – prop & gear assistant

His friend in blue – prop & gear assistant

Aren’t they impressive?!

It was in the mid 90’s today, and we worked for 3+ hours on this, no complaints from anyone!


Oldest says on way home , ” Mom, this is just how I want to spend my summer”

I’m darn proud I tell ya.

(She even found this location.  Soft, even light.  How many 14 year old do you know can ‘see the light’?)


Back soon :)


Portrait Photographer Raleigh NC

Recital Time | A Slice of Life

Violin recital yesterday = photo time!
Of course more to come … but today is all about the LAST day of school activities!
Good bye 4th grade, hello last year of elementary …


Portrait Photographer Raleigh NC

Summer’s Here | A Slice of Life | Raleigh Portrait Photographer

My apologies for not being around this week.

You see, last weekend we camped with four other families and I got a taste of summer.  Except for the fact that my kids are in school this week, for one more day at this point.

I have been very busy, work and end of year school craziness. plus a touch of summertime laziness.  My mind isn’t focusing as well!

I will be taking off July & August to enjoy my kiddos, as I did yesterday when I decided to stop editing and go play in the rain with them :)

My sweet lovies, so excited to have time with them this summer!


Portrait Photographer Raleigh NC

13 Treasured Friendships | Raleigh Cary Portrait Photography

It all started with a request for a group portrait.  A portrait to celebrate thirteen beautiful friendships, and their upcoming life changes.

I casually suggested why not make it more of a celebration with mini-makeovers and magazine style portraits for everyone!

And that’s what we did.

Each brought something unique and beautiful to my lens (and a lot of laughter as well!)

Beauty everywhere!


Above are twelve gorgeous friends, and the thirteenth I spotlight as she was the guest of honor.  She is moving overseas for a year, and will be greatly missed!

Today is also her birthday – happy happy birthday Ellie!


I managed to stitch together a tulle skirt the day before the shoot, and we spent maybe five minutes photographing her in it.

This image is all you Ellie, & all of your brilliance that shines!


I consider myself very lucky to have witnessed the reality of thirteen women who love & support each other.

AND gather at least once per month!


And one last image to close out this post, with a quote I found online …

At the shrine of friendship never say die, let the wine of friendship never run dry. – Les Miserables, Drink With Me.

(For photogs and those interested .. on camera flash low power, ISO 3200 f/6.3  1/200th.  It was basically dark out!)


Thank you ALL for bringing your sparkle & shine to this day I will not forget!


If you are interested in setting up a portrait party * the ultimate girls day out * give me a shout and we’ll design yours!

Just click the contact link above.