Abigail | 2.7.12 | Raleigh Cary Durham Apex Birth Photography



Is there anything quite as magical as the birth of a child?

Amy phoned me around 5pm on February 6th.  She told me that she was leaking amniotic fluid, was 3-4 centimeters dilated and on her way to the hospital.  My heart raced as her baby’s due date was not until the 17th!  I rushed around, making final dinner preparations for my family and for my daughter’s birthday, which happened to be that very day!  I thought that Amy would go fast, so I packed my gear and had it ready by the front door.  The hospital is a 30 minute drive from my house, so I wanted to make sure I made it in time!

We sent a few texts to each other, but she was not in active labor yet.  As a matter of fact, the nurses said she would most likely not give birth until the following morning or afternoon.  So I settled in to bed, phone on my nightstand.

Amy sent me a text around 4am, stating her labor was progressing.  Come around 7am she said.  So I reset my alarm for 5am, unable to get back to sleep with excitement!

I arrived at the hospital to find a smiley Amy and a snoozing hubby.  Things were calm and quiet.  She had her epidural and was relaxing.  So nice!

Amy started feeling more and more pressure.  She was becoming a lot more uncomfortable.  It was about 8am when she was declared fully dilated.  The pushing started around 10am.   Amy worked harder than any other woman I have EVER seen, determined to meet her baby girl!  It was about four hours later that sweet Abigail entered this world.

Enjoy this video of the journey of Abigail’s birth:

(This video contains sensitive imagery not suitable for all audiences.  Consider yourself prepared!)




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