We concluded over the family dinner table tonight that we had the best summer ever.
As the years pass (and too quickly they are), I find myself longing for more summer break. More time to laugh, lay around & read, swim, travel, play & just BE. No schedules.
I had big dreams of portrait series of my babes this summer, but slimmed that down and stepped away from my camera more than ever. I watched with my two eyes instead of my lens. Happy!
But of course I did get a few pics, so I will always remember these sweet faces at these stages in our lives.
Elementary school. 5th grade, Age 10
Middle School. 7th grade, Age 11
High School. 9th grade, Age 14
If you’d like to see my simple light set-up for these portraits, you can read about it HERE.
Hope everyone has a great week!
P.S> My mini-sessions (click HERE for details) & full session calendar are aabout full for 2013, please message me asap if you are interested in a session this fall. Would love to ‘shoot’ you
Family Photographer Raleigh NC