The third and final installment of this series.
(You can read part one HERE and part two HERE.)
You may recall in part two I utilized a lighting technique called split lighting. This type of lighting splits the face into equal halves with one side being in the light, and the other in shadow.
For part three, I decided to face my subject towards the light 100%. I wanted to achieve soft, bright & even light.
We are using the larger piece of foam board for the background. We are using the smaller piece for …. a man made breeze!
This is the result:
ISO1000 f/3.2 1/250th
First of all, I LOVE this image!
Second of all, I love sharing it because you would never know she was in pajama pants on my front porch with her big sister waiving a foam board in her face – which of course resulted in this fabulous grin!
Time for big sis to step into the wind zone …
ISO 500 f/3.2 1/400th
I love the soft, flowy feel to this image. I wish I had unpinned her bangs – probably would have resulted in more hair movement.
And lastly, we stopped the wind and used that same piece of foam board as a reflector placed to her right waist area (you can see it in her eyes if you look closely)
ISO 500 f/3.2 1/400th
Mmmmm love those freckles. Mmmmm I dig the light in this image so much.
If this was a paying client I would probably remove some of the redness from her eyes. If I print it I will!
I hope you enjoyed this series & are inspired by this information. I’d love to read any comments that you may have!
If you are on Pinterest, I have a board dedicated to lighting. Click HERE to visit.
If you have any other ideas for tutorials please leave ’em in the comments too.
Beautiful girls!!! Thanks so much for sharing your shoot. So fun to see how to get gorgeous photos without a lot of expensive equipment.