{ Cathy } Raleigh Cary Boudoir Photographer


I am so excited to share with you images from my first ever boudoir session.  I photographed three amazing women – it was one fun, hot & sexy hotel party!


Cathy.  Classic & beautiful, all the way.


Her Marilyn moment!  If I had a studio, this would be on the wall for sure.


So honest & fresh.  Love.


Downright sultry.


Her husband’s shirt.  Hmmmm….

I am so impressed with the spirit that she brought to this segment – makes me smile again and again.  Thank you Cathy!


This is a wrap that her husband loves.  It is bright and colorful … and I will share more (color) images in the last post I do from this shoot, which will include a bit more ‘skin’. :)


Cathy, you knocked my socks off and I want to thank you for opening yourself up to me & my camera!


Up next, Angela’s boudoir session.  Can’t wait to share!


And a side note – yes, I will be writing one last post that will have a few images from each woman that may be a bit sensitive to some and amazing to others, thus separate with a password.  I will post these images because I am a believer in the power of imagery & the celebration that every woman should have with her self & her body!

My kudos for the boldness of these gals to open themselves up to me …classy & elegant all the way.  Lots more coming soon!


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