My Mother’s Day | Raleigh Cary Portrait Family Photographer


I knew I wanted (and NEEDED) to relax on Mother’s Day.  I decided the best way to accomplish this would be to leave the house!  I asked hubby if he was up for a day trip to the beach, and he certainly was.  Nothing like some sand between the toes, a dip in the ocean & an icy cold beverage to erase the stress and bring that sense of calm.  Yes, I love the beach.  Always have, always will.


I realized about 30 minutes before we left the house that we would be driving right by my favorite flower field – you may remember it from this engagement session.  SO, I delicately asked my sleepy family to please put on something picture worthy.  (Yes, you can wear your bathing suit underneath if necessary!)

We stopped for five minutes flat, walked through the very thick and itchy flowers, and got this image I adore …

Yeah, our hair is tousled, the light was harsh and perhaps one or more smile looks a little fake.

BUT I will ALWAYS  have this memory of Mother’s Day & be able to look back on my babies at this stage.  And more importantly, my children will be able to look back & remember me.


Okay, enough sap … here are some fun beach pics!

The ocean was rough and totally fun for boogie boarding! I earned a few new bruises this day, but it was worth it.


Those are my hands on that boogie board…and my kids thinking, well, who knows what!


I think I look pretty cool here lol!


She doesn’t boogie board (YET), but she does catch a great fish!


Ah, I love this.


She doesn’t boogie board (YET), but she does model a great shot :)


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